So we dont have access to Cameron's thoughts on his own legacy. Cameron stayed there for seven years and was made physician-in-charge of the Reception Unit of the Provincial Mental Hospital. You know, my job was to look out for the cops. In this manner, somatic causes could be compared. He died of a heart attack while climbing a mountain in the Adirondacks in 1967. Care of his patients went to his assistants, and here's where things get even weirder. The CBC says the CIA recruited Dr. Ewen Cameron a few years into MKUltra, using the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology to approach Cameron and tell him that he really, really needed to apply for one of their grants. On March 10, Cameron's notes read: "She is disoriented as to time only and is probably in her second stage of depatterning. Like, did she always have problems? And he said, Oh, gosh. She goes, No. She was the one that was gonna go and conquer the world. Shes also signed on to the class-action lawsuit against McGill University, the Canadian government, and the CIA. Anyone with any appreciation of the complexity of the human mind would not expect that you could erase an adult mind and then add things back with this stupid psychic driving. Jean spent three months under Cameron's care, and spent two periods in a drug-induced coma. Ben: When Amory and I spoke to Duncan Cameron about his dad, he also told us about his own work, as a lawyer. [16], Cameron next published Nuremberg and Its Significance. Ben: But Duncan is still, in some ways, trying to defend his dads honor. Ben: Jims right. Cameron began to base some of his notions on race, as is seen in his theories regarding the German people. For Cameron, the traits were contagions and anyone affected by the societal, cultural or personality forms would themselves be infected. I'm sure part of him very much wanted to be the person who cures mental illness. I'm sure that they loved him very much and knew him in a very different way. Ewen married Agnes Cameron (born Bell) in 1867, at age 35 at marriage place. Abruptly and unexpectedly, Dr. Cameron suffered a life-ending heart attack while mountain climbing in 1967. Amory: You're welcome to pull it out now. These did nothing to calm the feud which continued through succeeding reigns to when Donald's grandson Ewen, the 13th chief, fought at the battle of Flodden where James IV was killed. Take a guess. His version was a continuous-loop cassette player that would deliver messages on repeat and it's even worse than it sounds. And he put Camerons treatment program under the microscope. [citation needed]. But he has fond childhood memories of summers spent in New Yorks Adirondack Mountains, where his dads competitive nature led him again and again to the line of the horizon. According to The Washington Post, Cameron was recruited in 1957, and he was a big deal. Donald Ewen Cameron was the key figure in the Montreal experiments. Ewen Cameron was fulfilling one of the items on his life bucket list: to climb Street Mountain. Ben: Street Mountain is a strange choice for a bucket list. The extent of Goldberg's treatment - or mistreatment - while in the care of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute, would remain an encumbering family secret for years. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron did experiments so horrifying he's been called "Scotland's Mengele." Here's why MKUltra's top brainwashing scientist was a nightmare. And then she came back from Montreal and she was never the same. For instance, he was careful to say he didnt know anything about his dads treatment regimen at the Allan, which may very well be true. [27] Such consequences included incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents. Cameron decided that Germans would be most likely to commit atrocities due to their historical, biological, racial and cultural past and their particular psychological nature. He saw no reason why psychiatry should be any different. That was in December of 1959, and according to the lawsuit (via the Consumer Law Group), Cameron diagnosed Morrow as having "nervousness and tension." Amory: Duncan struggles dealing with his dads legacy because he cant speak to why his dad did what he did. Amory: The answer might be in the idea of brainwashing itself. Ben: After Marians mom left the Allan, she struggled for the rest of her life to regain her sense of self and mental clarity. Amory: He doesnt explicitly say that he was the one who did the destroying. He clearly had his mind set on doing unorthodox research long before the Agency front started to fund him. And in a lot of ways, modern psychiatry has completely left behind the man who once dominated its ranks. [34], Naomi Klein states in her book The Shock Doctrine that Cameron's research and his contribution to MKUltra were not about mind control and brainwashing, but "to design a scientifically based system for extracting information from 'resistant sources.' So I think in a certain way they believed that what fiction writers could come up with, somebody could actually make real. Because it would seem to me, or I was concerned as a lawyer, that it might be a breach of the patient-doctor privilege. Please note . The second part of the technique was inspired by something called the Cerebrophone, which was essentially a "learn-while-you-sleep" recording device. Ontario. Although society had established sanctions against the spread of infectious diseases, Cameron wanted to extend the concept of contagion to chronic anxiety. That's how quick it is because it removes your time and space. Amory: This is information that may have proven invaluable in holding Cameron, as well as McGill, the CIA, and the Canadian Government accountable for what happened at the Allan. About 55 families of victims who underwent medical experimentation in the 1950s and 1960s are suing for millions of dollars. Harvey Weinstein: Complicated question, we all have motivations for the things that we do. She was a former captain of the Scottish field hockey team, a competitive tennis player,[11] and lecturer in mathematics at the University of Glasgow. (Beyond Nuremburg, ABA Journal March 1997; News accounts of five legal cases at: The Law and Mind Control Mind Control Through Five Cases). [10] There he met A. T. Mathers, Manitoba's principal psychiatrist, who convinced Cameron in 1929 to move to Brandon, the second largest city of Manitoba, Canada. These negative statements were sometimes taken from the therapy sessions Cameron conducted when patients first arrived, says Rebecca Lemov, author of "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron." Being compared to the Nazi's most notorious doctor probably isn't the life goal of most medical professionals, so let's look at what he did to deserve this dubious title. And I recall going through them and *taking out* several papers that appeared to me to be identified or could be identified as dealing with a particular patient. North America. (McCoy, 2007), According to Leonard Rubenstein, an attorney for plaintiffs [Mrs. David Orlikow et al. Duncan: Oh yes, he enjoyed a good joke even if they were off color. Ben: But some key documentation of Camerons time at the Allan is straight up missing. Amory: He said he did not destroy documents, that he didn't know about that. Ex-husband of Enid Agnes Maud Watson. I mean, he was that much of a scientist. This must be very difficult, very complicated for them. Psychiatric experimentation: the lessons or history, The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1994, Vol. Amory: Just not in the way he might have hoped. The first was for 18 days and the second for 29 days, all while hearing endless recorded messages and being subjected to a series of electroshock therapy sessions. Duncan: Talking about him, it should be easy, but sometimes it's sort of emotional. Donald Hebb and Ewen Cameron were competitors; they did not collaborate, though Cameron incorporated Hebbs sensory isolation techniques into his own diabolical arsenal of psychiatrys instruments of torture. Amory: Marians mom died three ago. [citation needed]. The manual got updated in 1980, but the techniques that have come about including things like waterboarding and restraint in a "coffin-like wooden box" still harken back to that original research. Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention, Cameron was an internationally prominent psychiatrist who developed torture techniques on his involuntary hospitalized patients mostly women. Now, a recent court decision has. ", So, they went back to a 1983 court transcript, where Duncan was called to the stand to testify about what happened to his father's documents. She's the exception, though, and the CBC says that 2020 saw others like Lana Ponting, who was just 16 when she was sent to the sleep room hoping that year, it would finally be their year, thanks to a class action lawsuit filed in 2019. [29], Sid Taylor stated that Cameron used curare to immobilise his patients during his research. Do you remember that? The transcript has been edited from our original script for clarity. And it was a great shock to everybody because he was 65 and in many ways, you know, going full throttle and at the top of his career. If he had a choice he would have kept living forever. Amory: In the early 60s, MK-ULTRA director Sidney Gottlieb took the so-called treatments Cameron used on his patients at the Allan and brought them back to the CIA. Ben: Camerons research could never happen today at least not lawfully. Joseph Rauh Jr. was one of the attorneys that represented the group who filed lawsuits in the mid-1980s. Ben: Sure. He was a person who was always looking for a way of advancing the field. Duncan: We all very much wished, as we always had, that my father was alive because he would have had to deal with that issue and would have dealt with it quite effectively. Today, we're talking to one of the only people who will stand up for Dr. Cameron. . Canada. In his analysis, culture and society played a crucial role in the ability for one to function according to the demands necessary for human survival. Amory: This is a hard reality for the family that Ewen Cameron left behind. It has to do with another of his Adirondack hikes that changed the Cameron family forever. [citation needed]; if the greater population of Germany saw the atrocities of World War II, they would surely submit to a re-organized system of justice. Ben: The manual was all about how to obtain information from quote resistant sources. It went on to become the basis for the Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War. It describes various personalities that he believed were of marked danger to all members of society. We encourage you to research and examine these records . They were destroyed. Dr. Ewen Cameron wanted to win a Nobel Prize for his work in psychiatry. Cameron never got his Nobel Prize in fact, he died not long after leaving Allan Memorial Institute. John Marks: The Allan Memorial Institute under Cleghorn commissioned a study of his work, which is absolutely or almost absolutely unprecedented in the psychiatric field. Birthdate: June 04, 1906. He had a Mercedes. Those who are privileged to know him, even briefly, will not soon forget the warmth and kindliness of this understanding man.. Some would bang their heads against the walls relentlessly, trying to get the helmets off and that's when he realized he could just put them back into a medically-induced coma and play the tapes for as long as he wanted. Donald Ewen Cameron 24 December 1901 - 8 September 1967)[1] was a Scottish-born psychiatrist. Hij is getrouwd met (Niet openbaar), ze kregen 1 kind. In 1926, he served as assistant medical officer there[9] and was introduced to psychiatrist Sir David Henderson, a student of Swiss-born US psychiatrist Adolf Meyer. In the final installment ofMadness," we sit down with Duncan, and we explore the shocking ways his father's methods are still being used today. The goal, says CBC, was to reduce the patient to what was called a "childlike state," with some people destroyed so completely that they could no longer walk, talk, or dress themselves Shoelaces? While he didn't name names or give specifics, he did say that papers "related to patients were destroyed.". In 1936, he moved to Massachusetts to become director of the research division at Worcester State Hospital only 1 year later. That would have been the cultural environment in which people like Sidney Gottlieb grew up. Ben: The study also said that these treatments, the de-patterning and psychic driving programs including LSD injections, induced comas, sensory deprivation and electroshock had a detrimental impact on patients memories, which, in retrospect, might have been part of the point. She never did get her children back. Cameron further argued that "the weak" must not influence children. Those were right out. Amory: Hey, Dad, let's get out of here!, Duncan: I can remember doing that several times. There are a few ways to reach us: This content was originally created for audio. He served as president of the American Psychiatric Association (19521953), Canadian Psychiatric Association (19581959),[2] American Psychopathological Association (1963),[3] Society of Biological Psychiatry (1965)[4] and the World Psychiatric Association (19611966). Husband of Marielene Schlumberger. The idea that people needed to sit down and talk about their problems was the old way of doing things, and Cameron was living in an era where things were getting more and more automated. He promoted a philosophy where chaos could be prevented by removing the weak from society. Cameron began his training in psychiatry at the Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital in 1925. (laughter). That, says McGill University, was the work of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, a psychiatrist who performed experiments so horrifying he's been called "Scotland's Mengele." His death occurred while climbing a mountain. Cameron focused primarily on biological descriptive psychiatry and applied the British and European schools and models of the practice. His list of credentials was so long it's impossible to list them all, but for starters, his resume included the University of Glasgow and Johns Hopkins, and in the 1930s, he was lauded for setting up a series of psychiatric clinics. She said she received 12 boxes of her husbands papers after he died, but that, quote, If I had these papers, I wouldnt necessarily let you see them. Other similar psychiatric diagnoses of Germany were published during this time. Esther Schrier who was a nurse at Montreal's Jewish General Hospital tragically lost her first child at just three weeks of age. As time has worn on, its become the families of those victims who shoulder the burden. The personality types are as follows: Cameron believed that a society in which psychiatry built and developed the institutions of government, schools, prisons and hospitals would be one in which science triumphed over the "sick" members of society. He moved to Upstate New York where he studied aging and memory at two hospitals in Albany. Sign up and be the first to find out the latest news and articles about what's going on in the medical field. Advertisement. You talked a little bit about this but what was the impact on the family when some of this news started to come out about the CIA and some of the treatment and stuff like that? Cameron began to explore how industrial conditions could satisfy the population through work and what kind of person or worker is best suited to industrial conditions. Family 9 - Donald CAMERON 34, wife Agnes 30, children John 18, Margaret 13, Ann 12, Donald 10, Christian 8, Alexander 6, Dugald 2, Duncan 1/2 (see Donald Cameron) Family 10 - Duncan CAMERON 30 unmarried, sister Mrs McLENNAN 28 and Catherine McLENNAN 5 Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allan, Scotland, the oldest son of a Presbyterian minister. He wanted to cure schizophrenia, and win a Nobel Prize for it. The second stage involved extreme, high voltage multiple electroshock treatments three times daily. Heres journalist John Marks. Heres documentarian Stephen Bennett, whose film Eminent Monsters looks at the real echoes of Camerons work in government interrogation programs today. And in a sense, that's what he wanted to do professionally. Two of my sons are lawyers and they say it isnt a good idea.. Montreal's CTV says that by the time she died in 2011, she had spent the last 20 years of her life as an "infant," unable to allow anyone near her head without a terrible reaction. Ben: About halfway through, Prosecutor Joseph Rauh starts quoting statements that Camerons wife Duncans mom made on the record. He had various people record the tapes sometimes including the patient's loved ones and it was, on the whole, incredibly traumatizing. In 1933, he married Jean C. Rankine, whom he had met while they were students at the University of Glasgow. He continued his training in the United States under Meyer at the Phipps Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland from 1926 to 1928 with a Henderson Research Scholarship. According to "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,"he left his position at Allan and his patients in 1964. My recollection was that I wasn't able to provide him with much information that he didn't already have. Marian believes all of this was a result of her mother going into the Allan. I'm the oldest son of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron and Jean Cameron. He was there when his legal partner, Joseph Rauh, took Camerons deposition. [citation needed] Characteristics were thus diagnosed as syndromes emerging from the brain. Patients would be subjected to messages repeated hundreds of thousands of times, as they were kept in their coma for up to a month. Research genealogy for Donald Ewen Cameron of Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA, as well as other members of the Cameron family, on Ancestry. [clarification needed] Those Germans affected by the events that led to World War II were of utmost concern. Amory: And I think you may have given a deposition for that. In 1951 a few years before the U.S. government and the CIA approved MKUltra there was a top secret meeting held at Montreal's Ritz-Carlton. But we do have his son, Duncan Cameron. According to Cameron's psychiatric analysis of the German people, they were not suitable to have children or hold positions of authority because of a genetic tendency to organize society in a way that fostered fearsome aggression and would lead to war rather than peace; he would repeatedly use the German as the archetypal character structure on which to ground the most psychologically deviant humans. [8] She said that at the time, Cameron was something of a celebrity. That was just something we wanted to get clarification on. Camerons techniques have no therapeutic validity whatsoever; they were comparable to Nazi medical atrocities. Genealogy profile for Major Donald of 4th Chief Clunes "Old '45" Cameron Major Cameron . That could be heightened with various drugs, eventually was replaced by positive messages, and the so-called "psychic driving" would continue. "He was this miracle psychiatrist," she said. Ben: But the Canadian and US governments could take accountability for their support of Cameron. Although Cameron rejected the Freudian notion of the unconscious, he shared the Freudian idea that personal psychology is linked to the nervous nature. Cameron also hoped to generate families capable of using authority and techniques to take measures against mental illness, which would later be apparent in Cameron's MKULTRA and MKDELTA experiments. Cregg: What do you know about mind-control experiments? Alison said that when her mother returned, it was no longer her mother. Her life was sad. "He was supposed to do wonders with people with depression or mental health issues." The lawsuits were dismissed, even though it was later shown . She was admitted to McGill's Allan Memorial Institute in 1957, needing help dealing with depression and the loss of her child. He did and he got it. This was made into a TV mini-series directed by Anne Wheeler in 1998, called The Sleep Room, which also dramatizes the lawsuit of Cameron's ex-patients against the CIA. And people talk about the transmission of trauma through generations. [33] The son of one of Cameron's patients noted in a memoir that other than Ed Broadbent and Svend Robinson, no Canadian MP brought up the issue in the House of Parliament. [1] In papers published during this time he linked RNA to memory. Stephen: So they created a manual, which basically was for intelligence personnel. Not, at least, until well into 1965, months after they were told to end the experiments. Kinzer: Later on, it became the basis for manuals that the CIA provided in the 1980s to police forces in Latin America that were known to practice torture. [citation needed][21]. Amory: With the information we do have about Cameron, we know this: his so-called treatment didnt cure mental illness, and it didnt control peoples minds. Not only was Ewen Cameron running the Allan Memorial, but he was leading psychiatric organizations, he was teaching at McGill University, and he was still seeing private patients. Instead of being considered for the fellowship, the neurologist was admitted to his Allan Memorial Institute, diagnosed with schizophrenia, and given such a heavy dose of barbiturates that it triggered an allergic reaction and she suffered from a prolonged loss of oxygen to the brain. Ben: Perhapsthis is Dr. Cameron's most enduring legacy. . [38], Cameron died of a heart attack while hiking with his son in the Adirondack Mountains on September 8, 1967. The paper stated that German culture and its people would have offspring bound to become a threat to world peace in 30 years. Both of her brothers were heavily into drugs by the age of 10 and dealt with serious mental illness throughout their lives. She was not staying in this little town. Harvey: It is frustrating, and if you talk about a story with no end, I think the important thing to remember is that it isn't just the patients who went through this, it was their families. Here, patients were exposed to a range of RF and electromagnetic signals and monitored for changes in behaviour. He served as president of the American Psychiatric Association , Canadian Psychiatric Association ,[2] American Psychopathological Association . Duncan Cameron is Ewen Cameron's son, and when he speaks of his father, he talks about a man who loved to hike, read science fiction, and who had an obituary that read, in part: "Those who are privileged to know him, even briefly, will not soon forget the warmth and kindliness of this understanding man." And Camerons part of that. "Madness: The Secret Mission for Mind Control and the People Who Paid the Price" an investigative series in 5 parts unravels the shocking history of CIA-funded mind-control experiments. And in that he took some risks, obviously. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron carried the process known as brainwashing to its logical extreme., The dehumanizing nature of his methods were published in premier medical journals without any complaints from other psychiatrists; Cameron read papers about depatterning with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists; and they rewarded him, electing him president of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations. Alison Steel says her mother was never the same after undergoing. Amory: Duncan has a very different picture of his father, a whole bunch of them actually. And it's still hugely controversial: In 2019, The New York Times published drawings done by prisoners who had been subjected to these torture methods at Guantanamo Bay, and it's not for the faint of heart. And so even all these years later, it's part of my life. And I think you have, as much as love that you had for him you also had respect for him. Cameron's work stopped when she gave birth, and Lloyd remembered a broken mother. Cameron wrote that mental illness was transmitted generationally; thus, the re-occurrence of mental illness could be stopped by remodeling and expanding existing concepts of marriage suitability, as well as the quarantine of mentally ill individuals from the general population. They had 11 children: Allan Francis Cameron, John Donald Cameron and 9 other children. Amory: What we know of Camerons work comes from family accounts like Marian's, a few hard-won medical documents, and detailed descriptions of his techniques from his own journal articles and speeches. It petered out in the early 60s as the programs director, Sidney Gottlieb, came to a realization. Scottish-American psychiatrist Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron led and conducted these experiments. The idea was to first "depattern" the person in question. He also organized the structure of mental health services in the western half of the province, establishing 10 functioning clinics; this model was used as the blueprint for similar efforts in Montreal and a forerunner of 1960s community health models. [7], Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allan, Scotland, the oldest son of a Presbyterian minister. Her family sued, first based on the treatment alone, then again, after discovering she was a part of the MKUltra program. Cameron believed that mental illness was literally contagious that if one came into contact with someone with mental illness, one would begin to produce the symptoms of a mental disease. Donald Ewen Cameron (19011967) was born in Scotland in 1901 and graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. He commuted from Lake Placid, New York to Montreal every week to work at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there, known as the Montreal experiments. Ben: Over and over, weve heard from victims of Dr. Ewen Camerons brutal experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute. His brutal techniques involved a three-stage method for brainwashing in order to eliminate the will and establish control: first, mental depatterning achieved through drug-induced coma; massive neuroleptic drug cocktails induced extended sleep lasting up to eighty-six days. Case of Gail Kastner: The shock treatment turned the then 19 year old honours student into a woman who sucked her thumb, talked like a baby, demanded to be fed from a bottle and urinated on the floor. At that point her affluent family abandoned her and she lived in poverty. Cameron would analyze what conditions produced the stronger worker, what would be the necessary conditions to replicate this personality and to reward the stronger while disciplining the weaker. The lawsuits were dismissed, even though it was later shown there were a higher-than-usual number of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, presumably to increase Cameron's subject pool. Ben: Did he have any favorite sayings or idiosyncrasies or things like that that you remember or that made an impression on you when you were younger? If I put you through this program, within 24 hours to 48 hours you'll be in a diagnosable psychotic state. After he left, his position as chair of the department of psychiatry was handed to Robert Cleghorn. Ben: The main takeaway here is Duncan admitting that he did remove documents pertaining to specific patients, before giving his dads papers to the archives. And the funeral was yet another opportunity for Marian and her siblings to learn more about the mother who had been absent for so much of their childhoods. Ben: Hebb did an interview with a film producer in the 1980s, saying, quote, Cameron was irresponsible criminally stupid. Amory: He remembers his dad working a lot during this time, which, definitely tracks. I mean his father was a very prominent psychiatrist, so destroying rather than preserving personal papers of someone of that prominence is a very unusual thing, especially for a family member to have done. Some of this work took place in the context of the Project MKUltra program for the developing of mind control and torture techniques, psychoactive poisons, and behavior modification systems. And we would take off. And Mary Morrow? Amory: In spite of Camerons ambition and prestige, he never helped find a cure for mental illness, he never won a Nobel Prize for psychiatry. Ewen passed away on month day 1915, at age 84 at death place. Amory: This is from The Adirondack Daily Enterprise, is the name of the paper. The insecure man "They are the driven crowds that makes the army of the authoritarian overlord; they are the stuffing of conservatism mediocrity is their god. Duncan: I have no recollection whether there were any papers relating to any of the--. Results were telling: They became super sensitive to the sensory stimuli they did receive, and then, things started getting really weird. 1950S and 1960s are suing for millions of dollars the real echoes of Camerons work in government programs... Was n't able to provide him with much information that he believed were of utmost.. Aging and memory at two hospitals in Albany Cerebrophone, which, definitely tracks my... A broken mother key figure in the mid-1980s that they loved him very much and knew him a! Legacy because he cant speak to why his dad did what he to... 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