Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Delta Tau Omega Chapter
2024 Executive Committee:
- President: Nettavia D. Curry
- Vice President: Sandra A. Butler
- Recording Secretary: Brittany P. Edwards
- Assistant Recording Secretary: Cathleen Dungy
- Corresponding Secretary: LaVerne D. Duncan-Mickel
- Treasurer: Angela C. Moore
- Financial Secretary : Patricia C. Smith
- Assistant Financial Secretary: Veronica Wilkerson Johnson
- Public Relations Director: Lillian R. Brooks
- Graduate Advisor (Delta Zeta Chapter, Michigan State University): Zakiya Williams
- Assistant Graduate Advisor: Connie Y. McClendon Ford
- Membership Chairman: Jeanette Patterson
- Standards and Evaluation Chairman: Mia D. McNeil-Leonard
- Parliamentarian: Courtney Cole
- Chaplain: Delsa D. Chapman
- Hostess: Diana Rouse
- Historian: Jessie J. Storey-Fry
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Annie C. Williford
- Past President: Sharon D. Rogers
2024 Committee Chairmen/Co-Chairmen:
- Audit: Alexis C. Cooper
- Awards: Effat Id-Deen
- Breakfast with Santa: Roelane Johnson
- Budget and Finance: Angela C. Moore
- Bylaws: Courtney Cole
- CHIPP: Lynette B. McClure
- Connection and Social Action: Marilyn Skinner Britt
- EAF: Kenya Husband
- Environmental Concerns: Connie Hudson-Partee
- Founders’ Day and Rituals: Tanesha Ash-Shakoor
- Fundraising: Esther Norton
- GenNEXT: ShirDonna Y. Lawrence
- Gourmet Gents: Margaret R. Alston and Lauren A. Hall-Tate
- Graduate Advisory: Zakiya Williams
- HBCU-for-Life: L. Pearl Johnson and Judith Hightower
- Health: Sharon R. Hobbs
- History, Heritage and Archives: Jessie J. Storey-Fry
- Hospitality: Diana Rouse
- Investment: Margaret R. Alston
- Leadership Development: Carla M. Smith
- Music: Renee B. Canady
- National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. of Lansing: Micaela C. Chappelle, Delegate
- Nominating: Linda Rawls
- Program: Sandra A. Butler
- Protocol: ShirDonna Y. Lawrence
- Public Relations: Lillian R. Brooks
- Risk Management: Cassandra R. Hailey
- Senior Salute and Scholarship: Delsa D. Chapman
- Sisterly Relations: Carla M. Smith
- Strategic Planning: Vivian L.W. Tansil
- Summer Cookout: Alicia L. McGregor
- Technology: Erica J. Holt
- Tellers: Brenda J. Hairston
- Youth Leadership Institute: Meko Moore
Updated: March 11, 2024